Friday, January 15, 2010


Currently just back from dancing group practice after a long break finally!
Felt very scare still because of SPM.It feel like that SPM is tomorrow.Luckily i found a good way to overcome that fear,which is by chanting.I chanted for like 30 minutes my heart felt better.I trying to shakubukyu my parents.Although they knew about this buddhism but they never practice the faith.So my new year resolution are:
  1. Score a good result in my SPM
  2. Better english !
  3. Plan my future after SPM
  4. Be better me than last year (human revolution)
Other than that some of this are my prayer objective:
  1. Every one in my family always in the pink of health
  2. Peace,harmony in the family
  3. Dad and Mom can practice faith in nichiren daishonin buddhism
  4. Have wisdom,courage and faith in myself
  5. All the babies grew up healthy
I wish all MY resolution and Objective can come true !

~Peace Rock Out~

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